unknown or unknown

Dr Kalpesh Bhayani

Dr. Kalpesh Bhayani is one of the best Dentist in Varachha, Surat. He has done BDS. Dr. Kalpesh Bhayani has more than 11 years of experience as a Dentist. He is also a member of Varachha Dental Association. Dr. Kalpesh Bhayani bestway communicate in English,Hindi,Gujarati with their patients. Dr. Kalpesh Bhayani offers best medical services like Consultation, BPS Dentures Fixing, Artificial Teeth, Complete/Partial Dentures Fixing, Impaction / Impacted Tooth Extraction and many more.. You can visite Dr. Kalpesh Bhayani at Bhayani Dental Clinic in Varachha, Surat.
    • BDS - K.M. Shah Dental College Hospital, Vadodara, 2007
    •  Doctor at Bhayani Dental Clinic, Surat




  • bhayani dental clinic,f1-2,alankar shopping,b/h kapodra police station, spining mill, varachha road,surat-395006

  • Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun